About Us

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About Us 2017-07-24T15:48:10+00:00

Rediscovering the Paths to Excellence

Unravelment of the philosophies that reflect the profound connection between the human mind, brain and consciousness forms the basic ground of ISOL Centre for Consciousness Studies. Central to the issue of the mind/brain relationship, lays the role of consciousness that provides a deeper picture of the gimmicks further creating a room for enrichment. 

An in-depth understanding of this relationship along with effective training of the same can provide us with magnificent tools for achieving excellence. ICCS attempts to assemble such conceptual and methodological tools with an ultimate vision of virtue and perfection in the corporate world by delving deep in to the inner mechanisms that govern processes such as decision making and problem solving. Insights into the inner workings and the connection, will grant the opportunity to further enhance and enrich the cognitive processes so as to create minds that redefine corporate excellence and the paths leading to it, thereby subtly minimizing unethical practices by huge magnitude.

Aiming at corporate and entrepreneurial excellence through a multi disciplinary approach, ICCS integrates various elements from Sanskrit, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Spirituality and Cognitive Sciences.

The endeavors of ICCS have been directed at the promotion of this spirit through extensive researches illustrating the scientific basis of consciousness and its role in the corporate sector to attain a sustainable and flawless working environment with a constant progress graph. The research areas include

  • Cognitive Conscious Intelligence
  • The Power of Mind: Vedantic Perspectives
  • Cosmic Energy as a source of Human Energy
  • Mantra and Emotional Purification
  • The Tantra of Energy at Workplace
  • Organizational Transformation through Raj Yoga
  • Systemic Approach: Insights from Indian Tantra Shastras, and more deeply Shakti or Feminine Creative Power.

ICCS represents a radical perspective propagating the stimulation of the minds through training in integrated insights from various wisdom traditions to rediscover the wonders of its inner workings.